Job opportunity in marketing

Job Opportunity – international marketing

After my last article and looking at my dormant social media profiles, I was inundated with a surprisingly large number of questions about why I don’t properly manage all these networks when I’m talking so nicely about personal optimization.

And since I don’t want to write in dozen chats πŸ˜‰ there’s one collective and open answer.

It’s not my priority, it’s not my passion, and I don’t really know how to do it.

I lost a successful IG profile with several thousand followers some time ago (it was hacked, but the operator deleted it instead of returning it to me). For the most part, my orders are based on recommendations, which is why I wasn’t so pressured at the time, although it’s a pitty of content.

And since I don’t know how to make engaging reels, stand in front of the camera (even though I know what to pass on), I’m not even actively looking for it.

But because I like challenges, not only for me but for others, I hereby call on you.

If there is a person among you (student, enthusiast, adventurer) for whom social networks are part of the nervous system and is convinced that he/she can revive, light up and stir up the stagnant waters of my social networks, he/she has the opportunity…

I offer an job opportunity in the form of an internship for pioneers who are no stranger to innovation, insolence (bordering almost with guerilla marketing), proactivity and creativity together with the necessary abilities (such as editing photos, creating posts in canva, content plans e.g. in airtable, an overview of their work in Trello….), knowledge of multiple social networks; beware here, I do not know how many of the networks one person can manage so that it has a proper impact.

And what job opportunity in marketing do I offer?

At first, it is certainly not a dizzying fee, at first it is an unpaid internship.

  • You can just try and see if something like this is for you in the future.
  • You will receive a certificate of practice and recommendations after the end of the agreed cooperation.
  • After 2-4 months, we can agree on paid cooperation with mutual satisfaction.
  • After 2-4 months, you can move on to one of the international projects in which I have a hand, whether it is marketing, sports, investing, Europe, UAE, India, Russia, USA – it’s a lot…

Remote pleaseπŸ˜‰

I’ve been thinking about the right CTA, but I’m thinking, it’s up to you, show me the right thing.

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